Sunday, June 29, 2008

LT101: Games and Other Theories


A few months back, there was an edition of LOST TIDBITS that explained a theory about LOST being a video game – sort of a virtual reality game. It had some interesting concepts, but didn’t quite seal the deal for me.

But I’ve been revisiting the theory again and wonder if it might be better to leave the virtual reality part out and just proclaim LOST is a game.


The game of LOST starts with no rules and the objective is to discover the rules.

Search on “Eleuis”, “Mao”, or “Zendo”. They are all card games based on the same premise. One player makes a secret rule of which card can be played on top of another. Based on inductive reasoning, the players attempt to guess his rule.

These games are all considered to be modeled after the problems faced in real-world scientific methods.

Zendo, in particular, has a twist where Spectators make final decisions to player moves based on the rules. It is similar in that fashion to Dungeon Masters in the popular D&D series.

Perhaps the producers feel they are the Dungeon Masters. Or maybe the island is the DM. Or it could be Locke. The point is that one of the participants is interpreting the rules or discovering the rules as the game is played.

Who can forget Ben’s utterly, “he changed the rules”? Did “he”? Or was just a new rule finally discovered by Ben?


Here is another theory to wrap around your brain: Twins.

Yeah, yeah, yeah…you’ve heard it before. The book was called “Bad Twin”. We think we’ve spotted a couple of sets of twins as extras.

But this time, I’m not talking double. This time I’m talking single…but two people.

If this theory has merit, then Jack and Christian is the same person.

Jack is real and Christian is not real. Or at least many parts we see on the show are not the real Christian. Dad drinks. But then, so is Jack eventually. Was it Jack who walked in to AA but found it easier to create a persona of his father and have that person walk into the rehab meeting?

Both get fired from the same hospital.


And have you noticed how in the flashbacks things seem to be a little contradictory? For example, in Jack’s flashbacks with his father…he seems to be keeping secrets about Sarah in one episode and then in the next he’s wishing Jack a happy life (and a new watch).

As a boy, you get the feeling Jack’s dad believes he won’t be a good doctor and then the next it seems as if he tells Jack he couldn’t hold a candle to his ability.

Or when he is mean, but then sounds like a loving father in an Australian bar with Sawyer.

Or when he tells Jack to give patients some hope, but then gives Jack none in the next interaction.

But it might fit, if you look at these two opposite perceptions as if they were those told entities sitting on each shoulder. You know the ones – devil on one side, angel on the other. Jack is playing both sides out in his mind.


Now test this with another survivor: Claire. At one time it seems the psychic one time won’t read her palms to save his life. Then another flashback he reads it. He says stay in Australia, then go to LA. Raise him yourself, but then go ahead with the adoption.


The next challenge is figuring out who everyone’s imaginary friend – the other voice in their head.

Mark it down. You heard it here first. The only “real people” on this show are sitting in Santa Rosa Mental Hospital late at night sharing a bottle of whiskey someone snuck in.


Do you think that when Locke leaves the island to visit the Oceanic 6 that he will lose his ability to walk and return to a wheelchair?

Michael might be the answer to this question. The island’s reach seemed far enough to keep him from killing himself by jamming the gun, so it surely is powerful enough to keep Locke/Jeremy walking…if it wants to.


I’ve got some good feelings about the new Bad Robot show, “Fringes”, this fall on FOX. Here is the write-up on episode pilot:

When all the passengers on a plane die, FBI agent Olivia Dunham investigates the events and while on the investigation her partner, John Scott, almost dies. A desperate Olivia looks for help and finds Dr. Walter Bishop but he cannot help her because he has been institutionalized. The only way to even question him is with the help of his son Peter.Olivia continues her investigations leading her to Nina Sharp a manipulative executive. Olivia, Peter and Dr. Bishop will begin to discover what really happened on the Flight 627 and begin to uncover a larger truth.


We do know when and where Ben went at the time of turning the Dharma Wheel.

The island, I propose, seems to remain the same to those on the island or within its event horizon. But to outsiders, it jumpted 10 months into the future. It can’t be found or accessed for 10 months until time catches up. Does this mean that time is suspended on the island until then? It could be that we see very little of the island next season since everyone is a statue.

When time does catch-up, the spot the island left won’t be the same spot – most likely – because the Earth is constantly spinning and shifting. But the location of the island should be predictable, relative to its starting point, and discoverable.

We have been told the bear was in the Tunisia desert…just like Ben. This is opposite the South Pacific. We really do know the antipode (see previous post) for the island before and after the jump. By the way, the antipode to Portland, Oregon, is the North Pole region.

And maybe Tunisia was made mention only because of the continuing Star War crossovers.

Antipodes as 108 minute time spans with the earth’s rotation puts one of 15 jumping points directly on Sydney, Australia…and the Tunisia desert…

Now this ups an interesting conflict. If the island will not return to the same location, how then did two “time jumps” get two things (Ben and the bear) off the island to the same general location?

I mean the bear wasn’t in the room with Ben. Charlotte seemed to find the very dead bear before the turning of the wheel. This means we had a prior turning of the wheel…by a bear? I’m so confused!

Purists will point out that Ben actually landed in the Sahara Desert. It is so large that it possible they are close enough to be related. Or does the imply two jumps that were close to the same antipode but not precisely?

Consider as well that the bear could be a future event. The series could end with a bear lunging into the Dharma Wheel room as the wheel turns.


Penny’s ship searched a radius of 6,000 miles. Here is a visual guide to the search area:


Coldplay just released a new album with a song called “LOST” on it. The next tract is called, “42”.


I’m not sure how a show will handle two Sawyers with the added challenge of being in two universes, but one theory suggests this is precisely what is happening.

Galaxies we discovered had the nickname “floating islands”. It takes a powerful telescope to see another universe and we don’t use lenses to see that far since they distort. We use mirrors. The snow globe analogy is used in science to explain how the various galaxies don’t run into each other. Our galaxy is the Milky Way. Out place in the universe is mapped out on something called the Cosmic Tree.

Islands, mirrors, snow globes, candy bars, and trees…all very heavily played themes on LOST. So the show must be about parallel universes. I’m hope the other me is rich.


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