Tuesday, March 30, 2010

LT359: First Impressions: The Package


It is amazing that after ten episodes into the final season that I still don't have a single clue as to the end game. I keep waiting for one single "Ooooooh!" moment that will explain everything from the dreams to the polar bears to the purpose of life. But one moment can't probably explain all those things (unless we are shown this has all been a drug-induced dream of Hurley in the mental ward). So, one then expects to be given little tidbits of understanding as the layers are peeled back.

But once again, we have more layers added then removed.


Uh...I have no clue really. Ok he knows that Sun and Jin are partners (married in one timeline and dating in other). So?

Is Widmore aware of the names on the cave ceiling and wants to gather them one by one in order to keep Locke Black from leaving? If so, when his sub scooted up to the island they saw more of the candidates on the beach and didn't bother getting them...which would have been much easier.


Without knowing specifically why Widmore wants just Jin, he does grab him. And he does so when Locke is away from his camp. How did he know that Locke was going to be away?

Maybe Charles planned to go to this island to grab Jin and the plan was wait it out until John left camp no matter how long that took. That sounds like a really poor plan. Someone was bound to step on a twig, make a noise, and expose their presence. Anyway, they got lucky, let's say. John leaves and Jin is grabbed.

But on the sub Charles complains to Zoey that the timing of grabbing Jin is all wrong - they should have waited until he was in the jungle on his own. Agreed. How much easier that would have been without ticking off Locke and Company. What if just one of John's groupies got away? This is what they call a plan???

I guess its hard to get good help these days.


During commercial breaks the wife and I guessed who it was. Aaron was my pick.

Desmond was an obvious choice. Walt seemed viable - the thought was that he is "special" and might be able to combat Smokey.

It was Dez. And Sayid knows. He has a long swim back, but no matter, he doesn't feel anything which Locke points out is good because of what was about to happen. I can only think he meant the long swim! (Boy, I hope I'm joking, but something tells me I'm not!)


I'm jumping around on this episode, but didn't you think that Sayid - the communications expert - was sneaking around and working to shut those things off? I was waiting for some humming noise to indicate the power was turned off and Locke would turn into a pillar of smoke and squeeze the snot out of one of Widmore's people. Maybe all of them including Charles.

I was let down. But at least we got a promise of the war is here and one very scary stare down by Locke.


The show is cute on how they keep old story facts around - like Mr. Patchy being shot in the eye. Cute, but not relevant.

What it does serve to do is remind me on how messed up everyone's lives are even in this alternative timeline. Sun is have relations with Jin outside of marriage, Keamy finds out and rats him out (how he knew is another point), so Mr. Paik pays him for the information, to be delivered by daughter and her lover, who can't clear customs (Mr Paik can close bank accounts not in his name, but can't get them through customs?), so they have to detour to a bank with Mr. Patchy as escort, but not before Sayid is abducted only to kill Mr. Patchy, Keamy and Omar.

Eh? It is liking those tribute movies that are based on a 1970's TV show. All the catch-phrases and familar momentos are mentioned, but add little to the plot. By the way, has any TV show gone to movie been done properly? Ok, Star Trek in most cases.


Do you get the feeling they had really one or two episodes of things to tell us this season, but decided to drag it out over 16 shows?

I dislike the tribute to Season X (like Sun saying she was pregnant after being shot).

I dislike the craziness of Sun being hit on the head...did you notice there was only one tree in that entire field and she looks away at that moment...and losing her ability to speak. What point did that provide or prove? Was it the irony that Sun and Jin arrived with her speaking English and now only Jin can speak it? Plus I hate when the script does things like, "It's usually only temporary." Then why bother with it? I must have missed the objective.

I like Claire being used like a pawn by Locke. He pushes the right buttons and we now have to keep an eye on her when she is around Kate.

This gets an average C because it is LOST...or it would have gotten even a lower grade. Mostly because we didn't get anything new. Richard obviously returned. Hurley had one cute line. Sawyer and Kate continue a relationship they can't have. Everyone wants Sayid in their foxhole. Widmore plays as many games as Ben and Locke. We get it. What we didn't get was anything new - no Revelation...and if this Biblical story is going to wrap up we must get to the Book of Revelation. Don't this writers read? :)


Ok, here are a couple of points this show made me ponder that saved the day.

First, the Oceanic 6. Remember how we couldn't quite figure out who the 6 were? Did it include Desmond or was the sixth person Aaron? Neither we brought to the island like the other 5. I point this out, because it seems now that John Locke's loophole was that if he could return the Oceanic 6 to the island, he could use them to leave.

This makes me think that the Oceanic 6 have a Golden Ticket of some sort - to come and go. This also means no one else does! This also implies that Sun is the Kwon on the cave ceiling and not Jin!

More on this later in the week.


Second...the shoes. I got to this because Sawyer asks (finally) a good question, "Why don't you just turn to smoke and go over there?"

SIDENOTE: Why aren't people in Locke's group defecting each and every night? Come on, people! This guy is death! Of course, where would they go?

Ok, back to transportation: Smokey can't travel between islands as Smokey. That's interesting. So how did he kill the remaining passengers of Ajira 316? Do you recall him rowing over, killing, and returning for a day trip? Did he send someone over to do his dirty work? I don't know who it could have been.

So I get this image of John do a lot of paddling in the past few days. It could have been before Widmore arrived even. It reminded me of Locke rowing to the main island with Ben after the Ajria 316 crash. There, they met up with Sun and Frank. So why is Sun so afraid of Locke now? She seemed fine with him before. Maybe I'm forgetting something, but what made her doubt him?

Ok, I'm getting to my second thought: the shoes. When we paddled over with Ben he took of his shiny black Christian shoes. When he got to land, he put them back on. There is something about shoes that Smokey doesn't like - at least over water.

Then I recall the Others walked around the island barefoot.

And how Locke first crashed on the beach from Oceanic Flight 815 and he was shoeless. They were sitting nice and neat next to him, but off his feet.

Then remember that Sawyer has a habit of being barefoot at the wrong time. He has stepped on something maybe two or three times. That has always made my Oddity List because it was so out of normal.

I'm not sure where I'm going with this other than to proclaim, "The shoes are key!" Maybe if you slip those slippers off, Locke can't touch you. Better than even a ring of ash. I said, Maybe!


Give me some time to dwell on this and I'll follow-up with these two last observations. The teaser to next week included the word "Death" so I'm already looking forward to it. That's kind of sick, now isn't it? HA!



Mike said...

After the fantastic "Ab Aeterno" last week I wasn't expecting "The Package" to equal that success. Luckily this wasn't a bad episode though it was predictable in some parts.

Why Widmore Wants Jin? My initial guess is that Jin knows the island like the back of his hand ever since he was with the Dharma Initiative. The conversation he had with Zoe kind of leads me to believe this theory but to debunk it one could say why doesn't Widmore know this already since he lived on the island a lot longer. If Widmore knows the names in the cave then I'm wondering why he didn't try to keep Sawyer from going back to the island, or capturing him along with Jin.

Also, what side is Widmore really on? White or black? Or is he on a 3rd side, his own? I'm guessing he's on Jacob's/white's side. His main purpose was to return to the island and the talk he had with Flocke this episode it seems like he wants to keep him on the island.

Widmore pretty much spilled the beans on what the package was when he said it was a "person". I think it was safe to say it was going to be Desmond, though Aaron or Walt would be a nice curveball. Speaking of Walt, I'm sad to say but I think his story is done and we won't be hearing from him anymore. His last appearance did feel like a good-bye for the character and if they are going to explain his "powers", I'm assuming they will say something about kids in general and the island. Maybe the kids pick up some kind of powers when on the island (see young Miles).

Loved that Mikhail returned this season as a cameo! Looked like his fate was the same as in the MTL. It would of been cool if he was shot in his left-eye instead since he lost his right-eye in the MTL. Would of been a cool reversal of sorts.

Sun losing her ability to speak English (but can understand it!?). Well I have a theory, I'm guessing that Sun can't speak English in the ATL so maybe after that bonk on the head she is somehow channeling some characteristics (memories) of her ATL self. You can also assume that when ATL Losties are looking into a mirror, they are also channeling some of their MTL memories (that or they know something is off).

Things don't look good for ATL Sun and you know what, I'm guessing MTL Sun will have the same fate. Watching Lost throughout the years some parts of it remind me of the "Final Destination" movies where kids cheat death though death (or the universe) always finds a way of course correcting itself and the end result is always the same for them. Kind of like Charlie in season 3. I just have a feeling that the fates of the characters in both time-lines will be the similiar (speaking of living or dying mostly). For argument sakes, Charlotte and Dogan aren't dead in the ATL though Keamy and Mikhail are. But I can't forget that ATL Charlie said "I was suppose to die" in episode 5x1/2.

Overall it was an ok episode. Not much was revealed this time around and the ATL continued its story with some possible reveals. Next episode will be a Desmond centric and after that the next episodes look very promising so I think the rollarcoaster is almost to the top of the tracks so hang on!

Anonymous said...

Ben said...
I'm not sure how I like the difference of the timelines... why would Sun be accompanying Jin if they weren't married?

As far as the pylons are concerned... how did Widmore get them to the island? No way could he get them in the sub. Borrowed from DI? But how would he know they had these portable pylons?