Sunday, September 21, 2008

LT129: Sweet Dreams


In John Locke’s case, pretty bad. We are talking about John wanting to fulfill his destiny so badly that he would do anything to get back to the island. Even to go as far as killing himself, which is why he is lying in a casket right now. The obit in the paper said the man hanged himself. Of course, so did Judas.

And what is it that he wants? Maybe to be Jacob which means he has to donate his physical body. This is sort of like Christian’s body being used. Or Claire’s. Or Yemi’s. And let’s not forget that two more people may have “donated”: Adam and Eve in the cave.

Is it part of destiny for Locke or just a man who wants to be more than a button pusher? Let’s consider that Mrs. Hawking told Desmond that pushing the button would be the most important thing he ever did. So much for following advice, Desmond.


I came across a site with a couple of videos of Season 4 bloopers. Everyone once in a while we need to step back from the mental puzzles and just giggle at it all.

Check it out here:


Now that Walt is living with his grandmother it seems he suffers from nightmares. Imagine if you will that Walt shared with us one of his nightmares. It might go like this:

“It was one of the strangest dreams I’ve had. See, I still have nightmares about the island which is a placed I’d rather forget about. In this particular one I’m dripping wet. Yeah, it doesn’t make sense to me either but you know how dreams are, right? They make perfect sense WHILE you are having the dream. Anyway, in the dream Shannon is there and she sees me but I run away from her. I said something to her but it was like all backwards. Again, dreams are strange because it made sense at the time. My mind was saying “the button is bad, don’t push the button” but when my lips moved it came out like gibberish in my ears even though I felt like I was speaking correctly. Then I woke up and wrote it down.”

My pure luck, LOST TIDBITS interviewed Goodwin’s wife, the woman who is Juliet’s therapist, and she says she had a nightmare once to. They were at the temple one night and she reports dreaming that she showed up in the jungle and spoke to Juliet. She told Juliet to kill Charlotte and Daniel. Then she woke up.

With time hopping (there is that rabbit theme again) now available, Walt’s nightmares in 2005 could be his visions in late 2004. What if a bunch of people were dreaming and their dreams brought them to the island but were invisible. And what if all those same people dreamed they were whispering to each other?

Of course this also suggests that polar bears and black horses can dream. But then that takes me to Blade Runner movie which has been correlated in TIDBITS to LOST before. That movie is an adaptation of a book entitled, “Do Electric Sheep Dream When They Sleep?”. Hmm…


While researching this Dream theory the band Fleetwood Mac popped into my head. They had this song named “Dreams” and it kept running around in my brain. Here are some of the lyrics. They just seemed to fit:

Thunder only happens when it's raining
Players only love you when they're playing
Say, women, they will come and they will go
When the rain washes you clean, you'll know

Now here I go again, I see the crystal visions
I keep my visions to myself
It's only me who wants to wrap around your dreams and
Have you any dreams you'd like to sell
Dreams of loneliness like a heartbeat, drives you mad
In the stillness of remembering
What you had, And what you lost
And what you had, oh what you lost

I think my new theory will be entitled, “The Stevie Nicks Theory”. Come on the Grammy winning album is “Rumors”. It was released in the late 1970’s on vinyl like found in the hatch. The album even keeps the LOST connections going with a family-oriented song called “Oh Daddy”. Another tune is about drug use like Charlie. Another called “Never Going Back Again”.

Or maybe I’m just over-thinking this a bit too much. But if the producers come out in the end and say, “We used lots of sources but our main one was Fleetwood Mac”, then I’m on record (pun intended). HA!

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Unknown said...


This discussion of dreams reminded me of some experiements I heard about a while ago at a place called the dream laboratory.

A quick summary of the experiement (taken from one of the links below) is: one person (the receiver) slept in one room, another person (the sender) in a separate room concentrated on a visual target (like an art print), and attempted to mentally “send” details about it to the receiver in the hopes that doing so would influence the images that the receiver would see in his or her dream.

For details, check out these links:

KC said...

Interesting stuff and thanks for sharing. You might run over to FOX and check out episode 3 of The dealt with "mind melding" for lack of a better term.